Sunday, August 23, 2009

Greatest Spritual Gift is Charity

   In my reading the other day It was explained how great the spirit of Charity is and that a man found not possed with it was nothing.  It went on to explain in detail the list of things that we have all read many times.  However in church today I began to wonder how can I teach my children these Charitble attributes and get them to be part of my life also. 
   My family has a family scripture that is Eph 6:11 "Put on the whole armor of God".  I began to list the characteristics of chartiy and tried to tie each one to a piece of the armor.  I have begun to see where they fit and will begin to impliment them into our family motto. 
   If charity, being mentioned over and over in the scriptures is so important I must know each characteristic and strive to become such.  For to be charitable helps us over come our imperfections.  B. Young explained that because we are full of imperfections it is our duty to pray to God to give us gifts of the Gospel to over come them.  In fact gifts of the spirit are intended for this purpose, to aid man in overcoming his imprefections. 
   I must note that I am an "anti" perfect person.  I had for years tried to bring to the Lord a perfect person, not understanding the atonement as one does to have such  thougths.  But it was a hard and guilty road one leads when those thougths are at the for front of your daily life.  I found the truth of the atonement and that we are all imprefect and can not be perfect with out the Lord Jesus Christ.  One of my favorite scriptures is found in Moroni 10: 32 "Come unto Christ and be perfected in him".  I had it backwards for years trying to be perfect than He would love me, he would call me friend, he would be proud of me, at least that is what I immagined.  It was incorrect thinking, he loves me broken, bruised, even defective.  He does not want only the good part of me, but all of me.  He wants the parts that only he can fix, the parts that only he will overcome for me.  He wants all of me. 
   Knowing that about myself it is a new step I take in even thinking about tackling the "perfectionism" that I had for years only brought me defeat over and over.  However this time my knowledge of the atonement is much more accurate and the idea that I can ask for gifts of the spirit to help me to overcome my imperfections, or to get better at them is hopeful.  I have often said that there is only one thing that I can strive to be perfect in and that was repentance.  Maybe this is not all, maybe with the desire to hope that I may be able to be more like my Savior with the help of the spirit of God thru his gifts I can add to that.
   Charity, we have all read about this gift many times, which in fact are many many gifts titled under Charity which is a new realization to me.  To be Charitable is to
1. Long suffering- full of patience, being faithful that the Lord has a plan that will bring great peace and happiness to our lives if we allow him to be in charge and not doubt.
2. kind- being aware of another's needs and showing empathy, kindness to them, treating them as we would want to be treated.
3. Not envious- being satisfied  with what we have and recognizing that we have suffient for our needs.
4. Not puffed up- a prideless person is one that really is secure about who they are.  They don't need praise, or recognition for they are not seeking that. 
5. Serves the interst of others- with out seeking his own, or some reward for himself. 
6. Not easily provoked- allows others to have bad days, opinions contray to their opinions, life styles that are different.  Instead of being angery a not easily provoked person pray for that person, for life will be harder than it has to be for them.  This person is gratiful for the knowledge that they have, that allows them to not become angery.       
7. Not thinking of evil things- spending their time wisely and productively in things that are uplifting nad where the spirit can dwell.
8. Rejoices in Truth- seeks truth out, supports truth and stands up for truth. 
9. Bears his trials- accepts the plan given to him by Father, accepting it, and showing this thru an attitute of positiveness vs. an attitude of being the victum. 
10. Believeth all truth- recognizes truth when spoken thus also recognizeth when it is not spoken.
11. He will evidence a prevailing hope in all the promises made in the holy scriptures,- (No thougths on this one.) any one know? 
12. Endureth with out waivering- hangs on to the end knowing the plan of salvation, understanding or praying to understand the trial before us is a test, a test to become closer to the Lord, to ask for spiritual gifts that will allow us to overcome. Hopes for success with Christ's help.
(spell check not working tonight sorry!)

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