Friday, August 21, 2009

Book Review

I have been reading "Drawing upon the powers of heaven" by Von Harris. I received it as a gift when I entered the MTC. I began reading it over 20 years ago and never finished. The last winter our ward finished studying together the book by Sherrie Johnson "Spiritually Centered motherhood" I was bothered by the spirit to see this book out again and read it.

Just a few weeks ago I went in the garage and dug it out. I actually remembered where I had last saw it years ago, and you know the spirit was helping me, just on that part alone :).

I wanted to record my thoughts so that I could learn more and hopefully retain the knowledge of drawing upon the powers of heaven to use in my daily life with raising my children and striving to return to our Heavenly Father.

I hope to encourage others to read this book with me and post their thought and findings to the blog also. That we may all be edified is the goal.

Tracy D


  1. I would definately love to start reading this book! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. If we only knew of the potential we could reach by accessing the power available to each of us.
    Thank you for starting the blog Tracy!
